“In Nina's etchings there exists a beautiful and surreal world.
Birds-of-Paradise may fly over flower-garlanded landscapes in a fruitful world of perfect silence, tranquillity and prosperity, yet snails can be houses, boats or magical nests. Signs, stars and constellations are a constant theme for the artist who shows her technical virtuosity sometimes in a format no bigger than a postage stamp. In this she unifies the traditional and the modern in Central European printmaking.” »V Nininih jedkanicah nebeško srečna drevesa menjavajo listje, rajske ptice se spreletavajo skozi cvetoča prostranstva in polži so hiše in ladje ali pa gnezda čarobnih ptic v tem svetu neokrnjene tišine, miru in blagostanja. Nebesna znamenja, zvezde in ozvezdja so prostori umetničine domišljije, kateri je tudi dimenzija poštne znamke dovolj, da izkaže svojo tehnično in stilistično bravuroznost s katero gradi čvrst most med tradicionalno in sodobno, srednje evropsko grafiko ter tako širi pomen družinske umetniške karizme.« Gorka Ostojić Cvajner |
© Nina